Family Resources

NYC Food Resources Guide
Food Assistance
You can also visit to learn more about food delivery assistance.
World Central KItchen
Invisible Hands
Caring for Your Kids Webinar

Family Justice Centers
Brooklyn: 718-250-5113
The Bronx: 718-508-1220
Manhattan: 212-602-2800
Queens: 718-575-4545
Staten Island: 718-697-4300
During evenings and weekends, victims and survivors can access help and resources by: Calling NYC’s 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline (800-621-4673); or Visiting the NYC HOPE Resource Directory online at
LIFT - Justice for All. One family at a time

To help stop the spread of COVID-19, many HRA locations are consolidating until further notice. If your needs cannot be met by ACCESS HRA, call 311 or consult the HRA Locations page for more information.
All in-person HRA appointments have been cancelled. No negative actions will be taken on your case. See everything you can do online on ACCESS HRA
Recertifications for SNAP and Cash Assistance are POSTPONED due to COVID-19. If you have a recertification currently scheduled or one that is coming due, you DO NOT need to recertify and your benefits will continue. You will get a letter at a later date telling you when to recertify.
With ACCESS HRA, you can apply for some HRA benefits, submit documents for your application, manage your case, and much more! Use the resources below to help get started: CLICK HERE
To obtain public assistance call HRA/DSS at (718) 557-1399
- When talking with your child, just as in any many difficult conversation, be open to hearing what is said, admit that you do not have all the answers, and encourage questions.
- Avoid saying: “Everyone is equal” and other overly simple statements. They do not address the reality of the situation and make it seem like an easy problem.
- Continue these conversations even when it is not making daily headlines. Racism must be addressed when and where it crops up. Fighting racism takes many different approaches. Buy books, watch shows and movies that feature people of color as the main characters; buy multicultural dolls, and other toys; encourage ongoing conversation and questions.
- Cuando hable con su hijo, como en muchas conversaciones difíciles, esté abierto a escuchar lo que se dice, admita que no tiene todas las respuestas y aliéntelo.
- Evite decir: "Todos son iguales" y otras declaraciones demasiado simples. No abordan la realidad de la situación y hacen que parezca un problema fácil.
- Continúe estas conversaciones incluso cuando no esté en los titulares diarios. El racismo debe abordarse cuando y donde surja. La lucha contra el racismo tiene muchos enfoques diferentes. Compre libros, vea programas y películas que presenten a personas de color como los personajes principales; comprar muñecas multiculturales y otros juguetes; Fomentar la conversación y las preguntas en curso.
Child Development:
It is often assumed that parents should not talk about race with young children. However, research shows that it is never too early to start. Desarrollo infantil:
A menudo se supone que los padres no deben hablar sobre raza con niños pequeños. Sin embargo, la investigación muestra que nunca es demasiado temprano para comenzar.
- “Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup”
- “Your Age-by-Age Guide to Talking About Race
- “How to Teach Your Kids to Fight Hate: An Age-by-Age Guide”